Legal Consulations

At AAP Legal, we specialize in providing legal consultation services tailored specifically to commercial matters.

Contract Drafting and Reviewing

At AAP Legal, we pride ourselves on our exceptional expertise in contract law.

Contract Negotiation & Execution

Our legal team supports you beyond just contract drafting. We are here to assist you throughout the entire process

Information Technology

At AAP Legal, we understand the ever-evolving landscape of technology and telecoms and the legal intricacies


At AAP Legal, we understand the value of your intellectual assets and the importance of protecting them from unauthorized use or infringement.


At AAP Legal, we understand the complexities and challenges that organizations face in staying compliant

Legal Monitoring

At AAP Legal, we offer a comprehensive legal watch monitoring service.

Legal Secondment

At AAP Legal, we go beyond traditional legal services by offering a unique solution to our clients: legal secondment.


AAP Legal is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal training services covering various legal topics